Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I can eat healthy too!

The purpose of this blog post was to show all of you that I can eat healthy too! I know that I really like chocolate and I can eat goldfish, chexs mix, or pretzels at any time. However, there is a part of me that can be healthy. Imagine that. So to prove to you all that I can be healthy I took a picture of what I ate for my second breakfast after I ran. (my first breakfast consisted of a bowl of cheerios) My second breakfast consisted of Kiwi for vitamin C, Apple to build a better immune system (when you are active like me your immune system can take a hit), Peanut Butter sandwich to rebuild my muscles because anytime that you exercise your muscles get microscopic tars and the protean rebuilds them. (the human body is amazing), water for hydration, and Iced Tea because it has antioxidants in it. After all of this you would think that I ran a marathon. Well, I didn't. I was just trying to be healthy and back it up with a reason. - Halfcup

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Looks delicious. You are amazing. Keep it up.