Tuesday, June 23, 2009

19 Years ago

19 Years ago today God united my Parents in marriage. 4 kids and a few gray hairs latter they are still trudging along. They will tell you that marriage takes work, but they wouldn't have it any other way. They see marriage as a Love worth giving. I am thankful for the role model that they are to me and my siblings. They are not the typical husband and wife/ Parents as they choose the large family, home schooling, self employment and the list goes on and on, Though they are the fist to admit that they nor there marriage is perfect. However, I could not have asked for a better marriage to stare at every day. They love each other. They love me and my siblings, but the glue that holds us together is Jesus Christ who died Once For All.
Thank You Mom and Dad for being my parents and being the role models that you are. I hope that I can be like you when I grow up! I love you!

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