Monday, October 12, 2009

Indian Reservation Festival

We packed up and headed to a nearby Indian reservation. They were having a festival where many different tribes came together. There was entertainment done by different Native Americans from different tribes all over the United States. There were venders selling different items special to them and their tribes. We saw a sample village as well as a tepee we also did some Indianish (new word, I just made it up) type things. We shot some arrows and hit some corn with some rocks.

It was good and then we stepped back into our culture and stopped by Target.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I don’t understand

There isn't too much to say as I write this post. We found out this past week that my unborn sister went to be with Jesus. We don't understand why, and we never will this side of heaven. Yes, it stinks. This is my sister who I will never get to hold, kiss, say I love you too, look into her eyes, or ever meet this side of heaven. It stinks. I don't understand, but I know that God does and I trust Him. God never wastes a hurt. "I'll never understand it all for only God is God"- Steven Curtis Chapmen "God is God"

I am so thankful for the people who have been there for our family over the past week. We miss Julia Eryn, but we will see her again. While we are here we will continue to grow and love each other.