Sunday, November 30, 2008

Going to see Jesus

We all here at the Schroll house had a good Thanksgiving. Now we are going to try and tackle the Christmas season and retain a fraction of the sanity that sits next to our name which isn't much. My mom and Dad went to North Jersey along with Uncle Curt and Aunt Becky yesterday. Grandma came over to watch us and the boys joined us. My mom, uncle, and Nana returned to North Jersey this morning as My great Nana went to be with Jesus this morning. It was no surprise. She was 92 years old and was ready to go see Jesus. ( can't you just see Mr. Steve and great Nana standing next to each other jumping for Joy! I think that that would be a site to see. Enough of my random thoughts.) So anyway, that is what has been going on recently. -Laura

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Life is starting to calm down. As much as it can in the Schroll house hold. We are all looking forward to Thanksgiving next week as well as some days off of school. My grandparents are coming over later in the day. I hope that it does not rain because all of my siblings, myself included, desire to go to the parade in Philadelphia. We all enjoy Christmas in our house. We don't have any decorations up in our house or anything like that, yet. It is a shame that people rush past Thanksgiving to get to Christmas. Now, I have started to think about what I want to get people for Christmas. It is just sad that people rush past Thanksgiving to get to Christmas and don't even know what Christmas even means. In homeroom today we were looking at John chapter two where Jesus is in Jerusalem and he goes into the temple were people are buying and selling stuff for the Passover. They got so caught up in tradition that they didn't even realize what it stood for and tried to cut short on the important things. It reminds me of America in relation to the celebration of Christmas. We get so caught up in tradition, the presents and food that we fail to remember why the tradition exists. It gets even worse for Thanksgiving we start taking it as a day off of work and school for food and football, and we don't even think about why when we look on our calender we see the word Thanksgiving on it. TRADITIONS ARE GOOD JUST SO LONG AS WE REMEMBER WE REMEMBER WHY THE EXIST.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

soccer yesterday!

Well the soccer season is sadly winding down. Matthew had a soccer game at 8:30 in the morning. Sadly he lost. Alyson had three games and a penalty kick thing. She tied, won and lost. Dad Matthew and I went to the BRS varsity boys championship. They lost. After that they had an award ceremony. The boys had like five all stars. Another from my team made first team all stars. I made second team all star. I am so excited! -Laura