Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Pink and Purple sibblings

My family loves to play soccer. This year is the first time that all four of us kids are playing soccer. I have been practicing for four weeks and have only had a scrimmage. The little kids started their seasons this past Saturday.
Buddy is a very serious player, and quite talented. He can play anywhere on the field he is just that talented.
This past Saturday he scored two goals and he only played on the field half of the game. Another quarter he played goal and did a fantastic Job. He came out when he was supposed to and made the best punts of any 8 year old boy. And his team came out on top with a 7-4 win.
This is Sweet Peas first year at playing soccer. She has watched it all of her life, but this is the first time she has played.
She scored a goal in her first game ever. We are so proud of her. She played hard and we kept encouraging her to keep going. (one time she just sat down in the middle of the field.)
Her team did a really great job. They one both of their games and kept the other team from scoring at all. They are a bunch of talented young girls.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Sweet Pea was way too cute.