Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Camping like there is no tomorow

I love to go camping. I enjoy riding my bike, cutting wood, sleeping in tents, etc. I thoroughly enjoy being in the woods. I also enjoy eating all of the good food not to mention the Beef Jerky. I didn't take too many pictures this time because I was just to busy or just too tuckered out.

We go camping every labor day with my grandparents and my cousins on my dad's side. We, the kids, look forward to this weekend all year. It is crazy how we wait what feels like forever for this week end to come and then we blink and it is over.

We cut a lot of wood this past weekend. That is why there are so many pictures of cutting wood. Let me tell you that we had the best fires this past weekend. To bad we sat so far away because we were to hot.

We had so much fun this past weekend and we are looking forward to seeing each other again at Christmas time.

We were so tired.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Too funny. You guys were nuts bringing those trees out of the woods. It is a pleasure to watch you all work and play together.