Saturday, July 11, 2009

Pickles, Blanching, Freezing

I love having a garden. I like working on it. I also like picking stuff, and I also like to preserve the produce that I pick from the garden. This past Thursday night I picked cucumbers, green beans, parsley, and basil. My mom and I made a jar of pickles. We also blanched that green beans for three minutes and then put them in to ice water for three minutes and then we drained them and put them into freezer bags and froze them. After that came the very time consuming task of picking herbs, washing herbs, drying herbs with a paper towel, taking the leaves off of the steams, chopping the herbs, and then putting them in ice cube trays and freezing them. I enjoyed doing all of it. I just hope that everything turns out the way that I planned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pickels taste awsome!