Most people love a good
The day that He made us was the day that He fell in love with us. Like any boy fighting for the attention of the one he has fallen in love with, God knew everything about us. But unlike the boy next door, God knew because He made us and fell in love with us. Matthew 10:30 says, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered." Again, unlike the boy next door, God is a gentleman. He does not go demandingly into relationships. He goes in with respect, desiring your love in return because that is true love between a creator and the created. His standards are high. To high for the human to reach on their own. The day He made us was the day He fell in love with us. After He made us, He stepped back, and looking at the master piece He had created, knowing that one day we would reject Him, and said, "Indeed, it was very good."
On the day that we discarded His love and displays of affection for that of sin and death, was the day that He came up for the plan to rescue us. He refused to stand idly by and watch us swimming in sin and death. He loved us to much for that. We were slaves. We sold ourselves so cheaply. We fooled ourselves into thinking sin was the better deal and would give us everything we could want. Sin promised us everything, but in reality God had already given us everything. There was nothing left to promise. While it hurt that we had denied Him, it hurt Him even more knowing that the road that lied in front of us would involve death; something we would never had to have known about had we followed His ideal plan. But with the amazing and awesome God that He is, He took our short comings and sin and made it into a master piece for His glory. He knew our state better than even we knew ourselves. He went to great lengths to rescue us. He was our knight in shining armor, my
He wrote us love letters, The Bible. All we have to do is say YES. Yes I am a sinner. I chose sin. You came to my rescue. You are perfect. You are the only one who can save me from eternal death. Only you can give me eternal life. It is a gift that I have to accept. All of the things that I have ever done or ever will do that were wrong were taken care of on the cross. All I have to do is say yes. It does not matter who we are, who we were, where we are, or where we have been. He takes us where we are and makes us new. 1 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." He loves us. Someday very soon He is coming again to take away His bride. Revelation 19:7 says, "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready."